If you’ve been involved in a road traffic accident within the last 3 years, you may be entitled to receive a compensation payment which could amount to £1,000s per person. Simply take a minute to fill your accident claims details and check your compensation – free of charge and no obligation.
Road Traffic Accident Compensation
Find Out Your Road Traffic Accident Compensation Now
Road Traffic Accident Claims
Please note that any person can claim for injuries sustained on the road. Road traffic accidents can cause injuries to drivers and passengers, including innocent bystanders; so our friendly and professional staff are always happy to discuss every case and help you further.

Road Traffic Accident Injuries Type
Injuries that are usually suffered as a result of accidents are soft tissue injuries to your muscles and ligaments in your neck, shoulders, upper and lower back. But many different kinds of injuries can be caused by road accidents. Road traffic accidents are unfortunately very common and the injures suffered from such accident can cause minor whiplash to fatal injuries. The most common type of road traffic accident is a shunt collision, and this occurs when one car drives into the back of another car. This will usually be in a traffic queue situation, or at a roundabout or a set of traffic lights. The vehicle in front stops but the one behind does not quite stop quickly enough.
About Road Traffic Accident Compensation
Accidents can also happen where the other vehicle fails to give way to your vehicle, either because it pulls out of a side road without the driver looking properly to make sure it is safe, or it pulls out of a parking space without checking properly. Accidents can involve cars, motorcycles, bicycles and pedestrians. If you are involved in an accident that is not your fault, you can still claim, even if you were not in a car at the time. If you are involved in an accident that is not your fault you can still claim, even if you were not in a car at the time.
Check Your Compensation
Many people have their lives affected by the road accidents. You are entitled to claim compensation for both physical or psychological injuries.